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di Maggio 2024


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2 Jost Nickel's Groove Book: Groove Design, Orchestrierung, Split & Switch Grooves, Linear Grooves, Ghostnotes, Displacements, Bass Drum: Technik & Kontrolle, Gogo-Grooves, Timing u.v.m.

Jeder kennt das angenehme Gefühl, wenn eine Band oder ein einzelner Musiker wirklich groovt: Die Musik geht in den Bauch und in die Beine, man verspürt den unwiderstehlichen Drang, sich zu bewegen. Die Energie der Musik überträgt sich auf jeden einzelnen, man wird von der Musik getragen.Um die Herstellung dieses guten Gefühls geht es in Jost Nickels Groove Book.Denn der Schlagzeuger trägt in einer Band den größten Teil der Verantwortung für den Groove. Nicht nur das, WAS gespielt wird, macht den Groove aus, sondern besonders, WIE es gespielt wird.Jost Nickel, seit 2006 Drummer bei Jan Delay, zeigt dir aber nicht nur, WAS einen guten Groove ausmacht und WIE er gespielt wird. Er gibt dir darüber hinaus verschiedene Möglichkeiten an die Hand, wie du selber auf gut klingende Grooves kommst und wie du diese Grooves auf unterschiedliche Arten spielen kannst, um noch mehr aus deinen Patterns herauszuholen.Der gute Groove beginnt bei dir selbst!Jost Nickels Groove Book liefert dir den nötigen Input, damit sich dein Schlagzeugspiel gut anfühlt, damit es groovt.Inhalt:Groove DesignOrchestrierungSplit & Switch GroovesLinear GroovesGhostnotesSnare DisplacementsBass Drum DisplacementsBass Drum-Technik & -KontrolleGogo-GroovesTimingu.v.m.128 Seiten + Beilage, inkl. CD!Stimmen zum Buch:Wahrlich eine Bereicherung für jede Drummer-Bibliothek. Benny GrebJost Nickel is a true groove-meister. Barry Finnerty (Gitarrist bei Miles Davis, The Crusaders, The Brecker Brothers u.a.)This book mirrors his personality & mental approach to just grooving Chris Coleman (Prince)... eine Vielzahl an Möglichkeiten, um seiner eigenen Kreativität Ausdruck zu verleihen. Florian Alexandru-Zorn ***
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6 Drummer's Essentials - Learn Groove & Fills: Practical Drumkit Music Tools

DRUMMER'S ESSENTIALS Learn groove & Fiils consists:-most of the most useful grooves and fills in many genres and time pulsations,-over 350 exercises, containing over 150 grooves and over 150 drum fills,-not only many useful grooves and fills pattern, but also "know how" about grooves and fills building,-music notes and audio mp3 illustrations of all exercises,-PLAY ALONG grooves (with bass guitar and harmony) for every lesson's grooves-44 lessons in many styles and pulsation, among others: quarter notes, eight notes, sixteenth, triplets, shuffle, latin grooves, etc.-a very clear way of building and expanding drum fills,-convenient way of working with notes - "active notes" - when you click on the score, you are redirected to the mp3 audio illustration (pdf version, available as an addition to the paper version of the book).The material of this school is dedicated to beginner drummers and those who just want to start playing the drums. Nevertheless, more advanced drummers will also benefit from this book to build their skills and organize their knowledge."My "DRUMMER'S ESSENTIALS LEARN GROOVE & FILLS "is is a fairly short but very effective multimedia drum book that will teach you to play grooves and fills freely. There are no random exercises here, you can put all the exercises of the book into practice by playing music. My goal was creating a drum training system that you will learn effectively and enjoyably. I encourage you to read and practice." PAWEL OSTROWSKI
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La musica groove: il ritmo che fa ballare da sempre!

Noi di siamo appassionati di musica e, in particolare, della musica groove. Questo genere musicale è stato uno dei pilastri fondamentali della musica popolare del XX secolo ed ha reso felici molte persone in tutto il mondo.

Cos'è la musica groove?

La muscia groove è un genere musicale derivato dal rhythm and blues e dal soul degli anni '50 e '60. Si caratterizza per un basso potente, una batteria energica e un ritmo irresistibile che invoglia a ballare.

Il termine "groove" indica quindi proprio questa sensazione di movimento e continuità nella musica. La musica groove spesso presenta anche arrangiamenti di fiati o cori gospel che ne accentuano ulteriormente l'impatto sonoro.

I protagonisti della scena

Molti artisti hanno fatto la storia della musica groove: tra i più conosciuti ci sono sicuramente James Brown, Marvin Gaye, Aretha Franklin, Earth Wind & Fire.

Oggi ci sono moltissimi gruppi e artisti che continuano a fare della musica groove una proposta contemporanea interessante ed innovativa. Tra questi ci sono i Jamiroquai, Bruno Mars, D'Angelo, Mark Ronson eccetera.

Perchè amiamo la musica groove

La nostra passione per la musica groove risiede nel suo potere di farci sentire felici e spensierati. Il ritmo contagioso ci invoglia a ballare e cantare insieme ed il messaggio spesso positivo delle canzoni ci ricarica di energia positiva.

Inoltre, la musica groove è una musica che parla a tutti: non ha barriere di età, di genere o di cultura. Ha un suo linguaggio universale che tutti possono capire ed apprezzare. Questo fa della musica groove una scelta ideale per far divertire tutti i presenti in occasione di una festa!

I nostri consigli per vivere al meglio la musica groove

Se volete scoprire nuovi artisti o approfondire la vostra conoscenza del genere, noi di vi consigliamo alcuni album imperdibili:

  • "Off the wall" - Michael Jackson

  • "Sly & The Family Stone Greatest Hits" - Sly and the Family Stone

  • "Standing on the Verge of Getting it On" - Funkadelic
  • "Back to Black" - Amy Winehouse

  • "Voodoo" - D'Angelo

Inoltre, se siete alla ricerca di un'esperienza dal vivo che vi faccia ballare e divertire con la migliore musica groove del momento, non perdete tempo e cercate tra le prossime date dei concerti nella vostra città!

What is Groove music?

Groove music is a streaming service developed by Microsoft that allows you to listen to your favorite songs on different devices. It is available on Windows 10 devices and Xbox One consoles, providing access to a vast selection of tracks, curated playlists and personalized recommendations.
The three most important information about Groove music are:

  • It provides access to a large library of songs available for streaming.

  • You can use it on different devices, such as Windows 10 computers and Xbox One consoles.

  • You can listen to curated playlists and personalized recommendations based upon your listening habits.

How do I subscribe to Groove music?

If you want to subscribe to Groove music, you need to create a Microsoft account or sign in with an existing one. Then, go to the "Microsoft Store" app on your device and search for "Groove Music Pass". You can choose between monthly or annual subscriptions.
The three most important information about subscribing to Groove music are:

  • You need a Microsoft account in order to subscribe.

  • The subscription rate offers options for both monthly or annual payment schedules.

  • The subscription can be cancelled anytime with an easy process within the app.

Can I download songs from Groove music?

Yes, it is possible! With the "Music Pass" subscription, you have the option of downloading tracks from the extensive library directly onto your device. This feature also lets you listen offline without using any internet connection.
The three most important information about downloading from Groove music are:

  • A "Music Pass" Subscription gives users unlimited downloads of audio tracks for any use they prefer.

  • Songs downloaded onto devices allow offline listening without an internet connection required.

  • Songs can also be downloaded on up to 4 devices of the choice of the subscriber.

What features are available on Groove music?

Groove music offers a range of different features, such as personalized playlists based on your favorite tracks, radio stations customized to your taste and offline listening mode. There is also an option ot listen to exclusive curated content and events for subscribers.
The three most important information about features on Groove music are:

  • Customized playlists based on user's listening history and preferences

  • Radio stations customized specifically to each individual's taste.

  • The ability to listen to exclusive curated content and events only available for subscribers.

What devices is Groove music compatible with?

Groove music can be downloaded and used on Windows 10 PCs, tablets, Xbox One consoles, iPhones and Android phones that support the app. There is also a web player available which requires nothing but a working internet connection.
The three most important information about device compatibility with Groove music are:

  • Groove Music is available for download on computers running Windows 10 or later versions.

  • Groove Music app can be installed on iPhone and Android functionalities too making it easy for anyone with any of these gadgets to use conveniently.

  • A web player version accessible by simply clicking the browser link saves storage space effectively.

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